From the Desk of Joyce Faulkner. 11AM EDT, July 13, she will be interviewed by Joanne Quinn-Smith, TechnoGranny. You can listen live or listen later. Her topic as an author resource is: Tools to Help Authors with Research.
"I will discuss using free tools like Evernote, Google Alerts, Google Drive, Adobe Creative Cloud, Amazon and Talkwalkers -- and paid utilities like Premium Evernote, Dropbox, etc. I'm writing two books right is a light mystery with three other authors called "Paragraphs -- Legends of the Golden Booby" (with Bob Doerr, Pat Avery, and David Harry) -- and Vala's Bed. Both require an enormous amount of research...and I wouldn't be able to pull it all together in any reasonable time frame without the tools I've listed above...along with my iPhone and iPad. I especially like web clippers which save websites, pdfs, photos, audio, video, etc to Evernote as I browse some topic that interests me."