Friday, December 20, 2013

Author Author Shine Out Loud: Interview with Author Linda Swink, "Life on a Five Dollar Bet"

Author Author Shine Out Loud:  

Interview with Author Linda Swink, 

"Life on a Five Dollar Bet"

Air Force veteran, Linda D. Swink is an award winning three time author and professional speaker......2013 Gold Award Winner for Biography, "Life on a Five Dollar Bet" is a true story. .....When Ed Mechenbier retired from the United States Air Force Reserve in June 2004, he held the distinction of being the oldest former Vietnam POW and Air Force general still in uniform on flying status......."Life on a $5 Bet" tells how he survived those dark days and went on to become a general officer by holding to values learned at the Academy: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do......This interview is the back story of the author, Linda Swink.....As a member of the United States Air Force for fifteen years and an Army wife for ten, Linda learned to appreciate the sacrifice those in uniform made for this country. .....With a deep understanding and respect for military veterans, she honored those who fought and died for our county in her book, "In Their Honor: The Men Behind the Names of Our Military Installations." .....LInda Swink, 2013 Military Writer's Society of America for the Biography, "Life on a Five Dollar Bet."


Short synopsis: Life on a $5 Bet is a story about Major General Edward Mechenbier, an amazing man who after being shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 endured the indignities of being held prisoner of war in the infamous Hotel Hilton for almost six years.
    Ed tells how he survived those long torturous years by holding true to the Code of Conduct and never allowing the Vietnamese to break him. He relates how humor got him and his fellow prisoners through those dark days, how the human spirit endured, and how ordinary men overcame adversary by keeping faith and having courage and commitment.
    You will read about a man, after returning from hell, went on to become a test pilot, a squadron commander in the Air National Guard, and made a flight back to Vietnam flying the Hanoi Taxi to repatriate two of his fallen comrades. Although a humble man, he still considers himself to be the World’s Greatest Fighter Pilot.

Taken from flyer:   When Ed Mechenbier retired from the United States Air Force Reserve in June 2004, he held the
distinction of being the oldest former Vietnam POW and Air Force general still in uniform on flying status.
   One of eight children made attending college financially difficult. When his father bet him $5 that he could get an appointment to the Air Force Academy, Ed accepted the challenge. That decision set the course for a career that lasted forty years.
   During those years, Ed went from being a high-spirited fighter pilot full of hopes and dreams to a prisoner of war, held in the infamous Hanoi Hilton. He lived through hell at the merciless hands of prison guards and tortuous interrogators, but never lost his sense of humor or duty to his country.
   Life on a $5 Bet tells how he survived those dark days and went on to become a general officer by holding to values learned at the Academy: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.
   Ed gives the reader a glimpse into his zany life as a test pilot, lobbyist, squadron commander, spy, member of the Reserve Forces Policy Board, golfer, syndicated television air show commentator, sales engineer with major aircraft companies, devoted family man, and pilot of the C-141, dubbed the Hanoi Taxi, on a repatriation flight to Vietnam in 2004.

About the Author:
Linda D. Swink is an author, professional speaker, and an Air Force veteran.
 As a member of the United States Air Force for fifteen years and an Army wife for ten, Linda learned to appreciate the sacrifice those in uniform made for this country. With a deep understanding and respect for military veterans, she honored those who fought and died for our county in her book, In Their Honor: The Men Behind the Names of Our Military Installations.
Her latest book: Life on a $5 Bet: Major General Edward J. Mechenbier, recounts the story of an amazing man who suffered nearly six years as a prisoner of war in the infamous Hotel Hilton in North Vietnam. 
Recognizing the need to hone her public speaking skills, Linda joined Toastmasters International and gained confidence at the lectern in a friendly, warm, and supportive atmosphere. From that experience, she shares her knowledge in, Speak With Power and Grace: A Woman’s Guide to Public Speaking.
In addition to her books, she has written a wide variety of articles for consumer and trade magazines and military and community newspapers.
Linda holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at El Paso and lives in Hamilton, Ohio.
AWARD WINNER; Life on a $5 Bet: Major General Edward J. Mechenbier, Little Miami Publishing Co, 2012.
In Their Honor: The Men Behind the Names of Our Military Installations, Little Miami Publishing Co. 2009.
Speak With Power and Grace: A Woman’s Guide to Public Speaking, Citadel Press, 1997.

Linda can be contacted at 

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